
Eine Neue Zeit ist angebrochen und sie bringt unweigerlich das große, kollektive Erwachen und einen tiefgreifenen Wandel des kollektiven Bewusstseins mit sich. Manche Menschen erwachen gerade erst, während diese Phase der Erdengeschichte für die bereits Erwachten, dass sie sich von Lichtarbeitern zu Leuchttürmen ent-wickeln dürfen. Egal wo ein Mensch steht und zu welcher Gruppe er zählt, es geht letztlich für uns alle darum, unseren Weg im Einklang mit unserem Seelenplan zu gehen, etwas das in der modernen spirituellen Szene schon fast in Vergessenheit geraten scheint.


Ich begleite Menschen (und manchmal auch Tiere) darin, ihren Weg im Einklang mit ihrem Seelenplan und dem Göttlichen zu gehen.

                             Sei gesegnet. In Liebe,





∞  old-style Mystikerin, irdische Stimme des Sophia Kollektivs

∞  Reisebegleiterin der Neuen Zeit
∞  QHHT Level 2 nach Dolores Cannon

∞  BQH und QC nach Candace Crow-Goldman
∞  Erschafferin der Sacred Journeys

∞  Co-Creator der TEMPELWEIHE

∞  Media Writer & Content Creator

∞  M.A. Englisch/Anglistik


Meine Erinnerungen an vergangene Leben sind klarer, als die an meine Kindheit. Ich liebe Pferde, den Himmel, das Wasser, Gott und die Welt.



What's important right now?

The Light Body is the vehicle that enables the incarnated soul fragments to travel between dimensions and different planes of existence; hence, it was THE key objective for spiritual discipleship in the old mystical traditions... all happening at a time, when spiritual teachers were true Masters of the Light and not Instagram influencers with landing pages and funnels or Youtubers, making money of running 4 completely unrelated ads durin a ten-minute video.


Back in the days, the disciple would move through the LBP at the instruction of the teacher without even knowing what was happening to them, while the teacher kept watch on the person and manipulated the energies in their system to continually activate the shadows in the lower psyche. Probably the most significant testament to this is a statement made by Irina Tweedie in her book "Daughter of Fire" when she wrote about meeting her teacher: "I expected fine teachings in yoga from him, but instead he made me face the darkness within myself. And it almost killed me."

When our energy bodies begin to vibrate higher, all of our unresolved issues and traumas wash to the surface in order to be cleared and released. Physically, this process takes place at the cellular level, because that's where all those old, painful emotions have been locked up for long, even across generations - until someone cranks up the energies impacting those cells!

That's exactly what is happening on this planet right now with the increased influx of solar flares and the rising geomagnetic energies called the Schumann Resonance. There are several ways to support our bodies in this time of transformation, one of which I was shown in a vision in January of 2022 where I was shown the necessity of clearing out our cells, so they can begin to metabolize and store increasing amounts of Light. 

You can read about the LBP here or in some of my blog posts. Most of us have not yet entered the higher stages of the LBP, so it is all the more important to start the process now. It will make it easier later on!



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